Friday, November 18, 2011

Divorced Dudes International Trailer Now Online

The Divorced Dudes Movie, International Trailer is now online. Yes, the much anticipated comedic romance of the year is near completion and we target our release for Valentine's Day, 2012.  Enjoy our trailer
and also, join our fan page on Facebook.

Click Here For our Facebook Fan Page.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Divorced Dudes Movie Teaser Now Online

As many have waited, and the journey continues, but a road post in the way says, "Hey, Coming Soon."
Yes, that coming soon is teased in this unofficial teaser for Divorced Dudes posted on my youtube site.

The official trailer is close, but the teaser sets the table. "If you're married, you might want to see this film and see just where your I Dos sits."