Synopsis: Scooter Thompson has just finished perfecting his do-all shampoo product, “Shine Baby Shine.” While trying to sell his product, he meets Bob, a snack shop owner, who offers Scooter his connections, under one condition-he ruins his daughter, Catalina’s relationship with her young boyfriend.As Scooter gets more devoted to his product, his relationship with his loving, unpaid personal assistant, Otis, begins to strain. Just when Scooter is about to give up, Otis tells him about a game show for inventors. Scooter makes it onto the show, where he has to compete against his arrogant rival, Randy. Can Scooter keep his life together and win the game show? Shine Baby Shine!
Starring: David A. Holcombe, Theresa Neef, Claudia Di Biccari, Richard Pontillo, Michael Sugarman, Sean Foran and Bill Stoneking as the reality TV Show Host, Barry O'Brian.
Watch for the trailer to be released in March.